Giuliana Polimeni

Nasce a Catania nel 1971.
Si è formata all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania, attualmente vive tra Roma e Catania.
Si occupa di comunicazione visiva e storytelling, ha insegnato Graphic Design e Tecniche Grafiche Speciali all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo.

Dalla materia al segno, è un’artista poliedrica che utilizza tecniche e materiali per dar forma a pensieri ed emozioni: dalla scultura all’installazione, dalla tessitura alla bioincisione, dalla video-performance alla scrittura letteraria.

She was born in Catania, in 1971. She attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, currently living between Rome and Catania.
She deals with visual communication and storytelling, taught Graphic Design and Special Graphic Techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo.

From matter to sign, she is a multifaceted artist who uses different techniques and materials to give shape to thoughts and emotions: from object-books to installations, from weaving to sculpture and bio-engraving, from video-performance to literary fiction.

Giuliana Polimeni

Nasce a Catania nel 1971.
Si è formata all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania, attualmente vive tra Roma e Catania.
Si occupa di comunicazione visiva e storytelling, ha insegnato Graphic Design e Tecniche Grafiche Speciali all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo.

Dalla materia al segno, è un’artista poliedrica che utilizza diverse tecniche e materiali per dar forma a pensieri ed emozioni: dai libri-oggetto alle installazioni, dalle tessiture alla scultura e alla bioincisione, dalla video-performance alla scrittura letteraria.

She was born in Catania, in 1971. She attented at the Fine Arts’ Academy in Catania, she currently lives from Rome and Catania.
She deals with visual communication and storytelling, has taught Graphic Design and Special Graphic Techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo.

From matter to sign, she is a multifaceted artist who uses different techniques and materials to give shape to thoughts and emotions: from object-books to installations, from weaving to sculpture and bio-engraving, from video-performance to literary fiction.

Mission & values

L’esperienza di vita dell’artista l’ha portata ad affrontare l’operare artistico con intimità e pathos, in un processo che include scoperta, stupore, rispetto e gentilezza: in una narrazione frammentata e continua dell’esistere nel suo essere femmina.

Si è tenuta spesso a margine dal circuito convenzionale per la natura biodinamica del suo operare e l’esigenza di mantenere intimo il dialogo con l’arte. Ha utilizzato il web come luogo neutro, per esporre e condividere progetti artistici (Wi.Art).

Nella dimensione multidimensionale del fare arte, l’artista mescola realtà per plasmare materia in un tempo assoluto quanto nullo, per uscire ed entrare da una narrazione senza orizzonte: femmina clandestina nell’esperienza umana.

The artist’s life experience led her to face her artistic work with intimacy and pathos, in a process that includes discovery, wonder, respect, and kindness. In a fragmented and continuous narrative of her female existence, she recounts her existence in fragments and continuous.

She stayed away from the conventional circuit frequently because of the biodynamic nature of her work and the importance of maintaining an intimate dialogue with the artist. He used the web as a neutral platform to show and share artistic projects (Wi.Art).

In the multidimensional dimension of art making, the artist blends reality with matter to create an absolute as null time, to escape and enter a narrative without horizon: as a clandestine female in the human experience.

Art’s path

Dai fili intrecciati nei libri-opera, che Luciano Caruso ha apprezzato e scritto di lei, alle installazioni in luoghi abbandonati nella storia, dove l’umanità si è arresa alla Natura e ha incontrato vita e morte (Tonnare).
La riflessione dell’artista si è concentrata sul ruolo sociale che l’arte deve avere e le sue opere sono diventate operazioni: urli di protesta per lo sfruttamento delle risorse Naturali, per il sistema Natura al collasso (Alice, You- the seed who make the difference), per l’economia oligarchica (Mutandae in Italy), per la disumanità del Terrorismo (Baiu-Bai), la violenza sulle donne e i bambini (They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their soul, Violazione d’innocenza) e la legittimazione della stupidità umana (23 giugno 2007 – NO site, NO time).
Con l’avanzare dell’età, la natura dell’essere donna cambia ancora e si rapporta in maniera diversa con l’oggi e con il passato. Così, emerge la necessità di sbarazzarsi della spazzatura del passato (Burning K, Libra, etc.), di affrontare il cambiamento con maggiore consapevolezza e una nuova fisicità da esplorare, affrontando le ferite e attingendo alla propria resilienza, per combattere l’apatia radicata nella società attuale, verso il cambiamento che rispetti la Natura e l’umanità in toto.

From the threads woven in the books-works, that Luciano Caruso has appreciated and written about her, to the installations in places abandoned in history, where humanity has surrendered to Nature and has met life and death (Tonnare).
The artist’s reflection focused on the social role that art must have and his works have become operations: shouts of protest for the exploitation of natural resources, for the system Nature collapsing (Alice, You- the seed who make the difference), for the oligarchic economy (Mutandae in Italy), for the inhumanity of Terrorism (Baiu-Bai), violence against women and children (They rested the tired eyelids on the ashes of their soul, Violazione d’innocenza) and the legitimacy of human stupidity (23 giugno 2007 – NO site, NO time).
With the advancement of age, the nature of being a woman still changes and is related in a different way to today and to the past. Thus, it emerges the need to get rid of the rubbish of the past  (Burning K, Libra, etc.), to face the change with greater awareness and a new physicality to explore, addressing wounds and drawing on one’s own resilience, to combat apathy rooted in today’s society, towards change that respects Nature and humanity in its entirety.

Artistic experience


G. RADICE ­– UNA RISPOSTA EST-ETICA – mostra da tavolo – Biblioteca Navarria Crifò – CATANIA.
AA.VV. Racconti Liberi 2023 vol.III  – HISTORICA/GIUBILEI edizioni – RuleDesigner – ISBN 978-88-33375-11-3 – ROMA.
DENTRO LA LAMPADA, Rivista Digitale CITTÀ INVISIBILI – GENIUS – sez. Racconti – Marzo 31, 2024  – Finalista al concorso letterario LE CITTÀ INVISIBILI – GENIUS scuola di scrittura – ROMA.


G. RADICE ­– UNA RISPOSTA EST-ETICA – IP Indipendently Published – ISBN 9798864876572 – Torino.
AA.VV. Racconti Liberi 2023 vol.III – HISTORICA/GIUBILEI edizioni – RuleDesigner – ISBN 978-88-33374-21-5 – ROMA.
Associazione AMICI DEL CUORE e Associazione SIVIERA – Il Cuore in Mostra – mostra collettiva con asta benefica – Villa Giulia – Pallanza – VB.


MEDITERRANEUS | Ars Liber – international exhibition of artist’s book – CASINA VANVITELLIANA parco del Fusaro – Bacoli – NA
ENERGY for PEACE – tips for peace on social network
LISTEN/ASCOLTA – performance – social exibition on Instagram & Facebook
IMBOLC | waiting for spring – daily drawings for social exibition on Instagram & Facebook
SINENOMINE­ – Mostra collettiva – SPAZIO URBANO – arte contemporanea – S.G.La Punta – CT.
AA.VV. Racconti Siciliani – HISTORICA/GIUBILEI edizioni – ISBN 978-88-33373-79-9 – ROMA.
AA.VV. Racconti a Tavola vol.II  a cura di S. Andrini – HISTORICA edizioni – ISBN 978-88-33373-65-2 – ROMA.
AA.VV. Racconti Liberi vol.IV a cura di S. Andrini – HISTORICA edizioni – ISBN 978-88-33373-31-7 – ROMA


I SEGNI DELLA COMUNICAZIONE, Mostra collettiva, a cura di M.Cortese – Teatro LA FABBRICA – Villadossola – VB
25th november, 2021 | from now only respect & kindness – social exibition on Instagram & Facebook
Mostra personale – SPAZIO URBANO – arte contemporanea – S. G. La Punta – CT
MEDITERRANEUS | Ars Liber – international exhibition of artist’s book – Museo del Mar Santa Pola – Spain
2021, 8 marzo | Respect – Umanity – Dignity – social exibition on Instagram & Facebook
Mai come in questo momento. Di quello che resta di questi giorni di pandemia e poesia. – Muri Diversi – Maison Ventidue – Bologna
Cartoline etiche cartacee DONNA, DOMĬNA, poesie e illustrazioni distribuitedal mese di Febbraio 2021 a Bologna presso La Confraternita dell’Uva e la libreria Ubik
SARS-CoV-2 | collateral effects – social exibition on Instagram & Facebook


Ely Center of Contemporary Art – Gallery Hours – New Haven, USA – International web-exhibition on selection.
WE’M Zine – web magazine. – art magazine.
OTHERS – The banality of evil in our daily life – – Video-performance on web-exhibition about Hannah Arendt’s statement.
Carto-grafie domestiche: per una geografia della presenza – MURI DI VERSI (
DONNA, DOMĬNA – Muri Diversi – Maison Ventidue – Bologna – Poetic action on the occasion of the World Day about violence against women, with selection of artists to illustrate some women’s poetries. Selected to Illustrate the poetry “Drinking Wine” by W. Szymborska.
SHE MELT THE BRAIDS – for selection on Lucca Biennale – Installation with sculptures in reuse paper and bio-engravings, on the theme “fear and desire”.
SELF-PORTRAIT – The 2th series –Self-portraits in bio-engraving – 21 single or limited copies.

PANCHINA ROSSA – Archeoclub Licodia Eubea, Academy of Fine Arts of Catania – Licodia Eubea, CT – International graphic exhibition, curated by L. Curione.
THEY RESTED THE TIRED EYELIDS ON THE ASHES OF THEIR SOUL Video-opera about feminicide, participates in the international exhibition “Panchina Rossa”.
LIBRA – M.C.D. – Video-performance.
IO ME – portrait through the time – Video-performance.
SELF-PORTRAIT – The 1st series – Sculpture and self-portraits in bio-engraving (20 single or limited copies).
Art4EArth – Dissemination project for a SUSTAINABLE and PARTICIPATIVE ART, proposed to the Acireale Department of Culture.

BURNING K – Video-performance.
MARSIA – Opera-time.

IL MAESTRO GUARDIANO (The Master Guardian) – Book-work with text and Bio-engravings.

ZHULBOX” and “ZHUL’APORTER” – Bio-engravings in works-box and folding works.

MUTANDAE IN ITALY – Opera-Petition to European Court of Human Rights – Council of Europe – Brussels. CESTINED by Mr. Cancemy, Representative of the Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights – Council of Europe – Brussels.

AREACENTOTTANTANOVE – from art graphics to multimedia. – Collective exhibition – Palazzo della Cultura, Catania.
LIBROAPERTO – Work of brotherhood.
QUANDO …” – (HADKLE) – Work-reflection about time.

ZHELO – Opera-gift.
MICA*, GIULIO!E-card art operation.
MAXXI Foundation/ Open Call Rome – Selected by the curators of Careof, Viafarini and MAXXI, to be part of the DOCVA archive in Milan and to the “PortfoliOOnline” in the sculpture section.

IN3 :-X – Hyper-emotional text-book.

You – The Seed That Make The Difference – Adoption/Action campaign trough social network.
You – SOS FANTASIA – Alice in the country … Video report on the ecological emergency and the consequent danger for the inhabitants of our fantasy.
X=E – Energy constellation – Selected to the award “Terna02”.
ASPETTANDO LA BIENNALE DEL LIBRO D’ARTISTA” – Linea d’Arte officina creativa – Napoli
TETRAD 1-9-2009” – Selected for the collective exhibition curated by G. Ippolito and G. Donnarumma.

WI.Art – (Web Independent Art) – For re-appropriation of  free space to which art is entitled.
23 June 2007 – NO site, NO time – Virtual vernissage with parallel and opposite energy. Counter-appointment by invitation, the day the 8th edition of the“BoyLoveDay international” (World Day of Paedophile Pride) took place in Liechtenstein.
MUSAE – national edition 2007 – “Violation of innocence” – to the victims of paedophilia in the school “Olga Rovere” in Rignano Flaminio (Rome).
MUSAE – national edition 2007 – Winner of the Special Mention on the occasion of the MUSAE 2007” with the opera “Violation of innocence”.

MANTERO AWARD FOR YOUNG ART” – “La Tessitura” Gallery – Mantero Silk – Como- Selected by R. Borghi for the opera “BAIU-BAI”.

TETRAD- 02-09-2004 SCHOOL N°1-BESLAN- OSSETIA – Sketchbook part of the work “BAIU-BAI”.
BAIU-BAI – Work/lullaby in eternal memory of the children victims of terrorism at school No°1 in Beslan, Ossetia.
ROOMS – Work written on-line. Labyrinthine hypertext on sensory perceptions associated with colors.

Al BUIO – Book-opera about blindness and art, donated to the “Arci Association” of Catania.

DEVOZIONE ALLA BELLEZZA” – “Arte Club” Gallery – Catania – Collective exhibition, curated by G. Frazzetto, A. Presti, Ass. culturale FIUMARA D’ARTE.

CIÒ CHE COPRE RIVELA” – Fiumara d’arte – Castel di Tusa – Collective exhibition on the subject of the sheet, by G. Frazzetto.
LABORATORIO DELLE IDEE” – Museum Trecastagni – Trecastagni – Collective exhibition of engraving, by L. Curione.

nessuno in particolare… poesia, musica e altro” – Spaziotempovelasei – Catania – Personal installation site-specific, with interventions of artists in music, theatre and crystal therapy to be part of the performance.
RAI TV – Guest on invitation to “SUPERGIOVANI” – TV cultural broadcast (RAI 2).

ITH TREVI FLASH ART MUSEUM” – Civic Gallery – Trevi – International exhibition by selection.
TRACCE URBANE” – Former Church of the Knights of Malta – Siracusa – Collective exhibition and happenings, by O. Fazzina.
ORARIO CONTINUATO” – Town of caltagirone – Art-music event installation in the city, by O. Fazzina.
VOLO DI UN CHERUBINO” – “Mater Dolcissima” association – Siracusa – Artistic ceramics about theme “The flight of a Cherub”.

NOVORGANISMO 1984-1994” – Academy of Fine Arts, Catania – Collective exposition.
Monastery of S. placido – Catania. -Councillor for Culture – flooring of the premises, simultaneously with the photographic exhibition of Magnum on“Mito Marilyn”, on invitation of G. Frazzetto.
L’ARTE E IL SUO DOPPIO” – Cultural Association“Torre Archirafi” – Giarre -Collective exhibition.

Gallery of Hours – Milano – Collective exhibition.
VOLTAIRE ARTE 94” – Voltaire Center – Catania – Group exhibition curated by G. Frazzetto.
SOLOGRAFICA” – Cultural Association“Torre Archirafi” – Giarre – Collective exhibition of engraved graphic, by L. Curione.

L’ORIZZONTE DELLE MUTAZIONI” – Gallery “Novorganismo” – Catania – Collective exhibition.

NOVORGANISMO 2” – Gallery “Novorganismo” – Catania – Collective exhibition.
Avola, Siracusa (S. Panagia), Vendicari- (Sicily) – Installations between TONNARE (three ancient net for tuna fishing).
Study of the artist Alfredo Romano – Ortigia (Syracuse) – Installation.
Thermal Baths Santa Venera – Acireale – Collective exhibition.
Gallery “Novorganismo” – Catania – Exhibition of the “Art’ Books”, with a personal presentation by Luciano Caruso.
ITINERARI” – Former Church of the Knights of Malta – Siracusa – Collective exhibition.



IN AA.VV. RACCONTI LIBERI vol.IV – HISTORICA edizioni – ISBN 978-88-33373-31-7, ROMA, 2021.

COVID-ROMA EXPRESS – Novel – ed. Amazon Kindle – ISBN 9798548632005 – 2021.

In “La Sicilia” Monday 23th August 2021, p. VI.

In “EXIBART” events of 23th August 2021.

In “IL ROMA” Monday 12th April 2021, column “The Painted Hornet”.

In “WE’M Zine” – international web magazine.

In “”– art magazine – pubblication of “THE CARE – diary of pandemic 2020”, 2020, p. 1-2.

In AA.VV. RACCONTI IN LIBERTÁ LAZIO – HISTORICA edizioni – ISBN 978-88-99241-75-9, ROMA, 2016.

In “Collezione di arte contemporanea per il castello di Aci – Museo dei giovani artisti”, curated by G. Frazzetto, editions Mazzotta, 2001.

In “Il Vulcano sotto”, Year V n° 37-38 Spring/summer 1998.

In “Opera Grafica incisa” by L. Curione, artre edizioni, 1996.

In  “ITH TREVI FLASH ART MUSEUM” – Civic Gallery – Trevi, 1996.

In “Flash Art”, Year XXVIII n° 194 October/November 1995, p.71: “Stories and geographies – relationships and dynamic tensions between the center and the periphery of the art system in Italy – Sicily”, by Anna Maria Esposito.

In “La Sicilia” Saturday 29th April 1995, p. 20.

In “Analisi del segno inciso” for the collaboration to the book edition of L. Curione, edition “Ass. Prize Torre Archirafi”, answered, 1993.

In“Eresie” zero number– May 1993.

In “Diario” Year IX n. 34, September 1992.

In“Artecultura”, November 1992.

In “The voice of jonio”, Year XXXV n° 32 – 01/XI/1992.